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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Determining and ranking criteria of product design using consolidated QFD approach and fuzzy logic in tire industry

Mohsen Safaee Mehr, Habib Allah Javanmard, Marjan Mohammad Jafari


Nowadays, world is changing fast and communication is increasing day to day. Achieving to information is getting easier and competition for more selling is increasing and you can’t submit customer, a production which doesn’t have necessary quality from the customer's perspective. It sounds that most successful managers are considered one principle that is included: providing services based on customers’ opinion. Quality Function Development is one of the strong instruments for customer voice and translating it to technical criteria that can assist organization systematically to determine design necessity for product development toward obtaining customer satisfaction. The first QFD matrix is named quality house which transferring customer needs to technical necessities. Determining importance of needs and filling house quality is so crucial. To determine these relations, experts have to consider high accuracy. On the other hand, based on increasing use of fuzzy linguistic variables in this paper, these variables were used in relation of house quality that caused increasing in accuracy in obtained results. This paper is a real case in tire industry in Iran.


Customer requirement, technical characterize, house quality, fuzzy logic, ranking

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