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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The study of the interactive effect of culture and e-commerce in Iran

Mohammad Hossein Morovati Khams


In this study, it has been tried to identify cultural factors influencing on understanding, acceptance and replacing older methods with electronic commerce and through a basic hypothesis(there is a significant relationship between the culture and e-commerce) and five sub-hypotheses(examining the relationship between learning English, teaching how to use computers and search engines, traditional shopping ways, the impact of thoughts and attitudes of reference groups, friends, relatives, family and competitive phenomena and finally the distance between the class and e-commerce). As it is found from the research topic, research scope was related to the whole parts of Iran but since the culture of tendency toward e-commerce does not exist in a large amount in Tehran, therefore, we consider only Tehran as our population and statistical sample obtained through the cluster sampling method. The primary and secondary data were collected through library method and questionnaire as a survey method of research was distributed in computer sales centers in Tehran like Computer Center of Raza, capital, Ala al-Din, Shahrake Ekbatan, Shahrake Gharb, café nets and some major computer sales centers in different parts of Tehran. Among them, people having computers and information about computer and computer science were regarded as the main participants. Finally, the results of this research indicated that there is a significant relationship between culture and e-commerce.


culture, e-commerce, training, class distance

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