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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Administrative corruption: Ways of tackling the problem

Parvaneh Mousavi, Masoud Pourkiani


Administrative corruption is a problem with which all world countries have been grappling to a larger or lesser extent. However, its type, depth and scale differ from one country to another just as its effects are different depending on the type of political and economic structure and the level of a nation's development. Anyway, corrupt leads to decadence, pits the policies of a government against a nation, squanders national resources and reduces the efficiency of governments in running the country's affairs. This erodes people's trust in government and non-government organizations and increases indifference and inefficiency in society. Corruption undermines beliefs and moral values in the society, increases costs of implementing projects and hampers the growth of competitiveness. Nowadays, administrative and financial corruption poses a challenge to the international community. Governments around the world are well aware that the corruption is highly detrimental and knows no limits. The problem could cripple a nation's economy, hamper development, undermine the rule of law and lead to other threats to national security such as extra-national crimes (Afzali, 2011). The present study aims to shed light on the factors breeding administrative corruption as well as their root-causes and also to explore ways of countering the problem in order to reduce its impact. Carefully studying the root-causes of corruption helps identify the factors conducive to the problem. This helps minimize the side-effects of corruption through appropriate management approaches.


Clients, state organizations, management factors, administrative corruption, human resources

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