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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Investigating the Effectiveness of Task Types on Vocabulary Learning in Multilevel Language Ability Classes

Ali Ziyaeemehr


Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) utilizes a set of tasks that are representative of how learners perform when they are actually involved in real-life and real-time complex situations to elicit authentic samples of language use. This study investigated the effectiveness of using different task types in promotion of vocabulary learning among students of differing language ability in Iranian secondary schools. One hundred and twenty students of third-grade in secondary school participated in the study that were assigned to three groups of elementary, lower intermediate, and intermediate based on their performance in language proficiency and placement tests. The experimental group received instruction through three task types namely 'listen and do', 'classification of related items' and 'practice through dialog' for four weeks, two sessions a week. The results indicated no statistically significant difference among students' performance across the three task types; however, their language proficiency level significantly influenced their performance in vocabulary learning. Implications for curriculum development and policy making in EFL/ESL education have been discussed.


Task type, task-based language teaching, EFL/ESL, vocabulary learning

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