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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

EFL Teachers with Different Attitudes in One Educational System: Will They Impact Their Learners’ Achievement Differently?

Mana Esmaeili


Despite this widespread acceptance of the important role of effective factors in the field of language learning and teaching, teaching specialists, curriculum developers, teacher trainers, and researchers usually tend to overlook such aspects. One of the most important effective factors is the attitude that teachers have toward the target language. The purposes of the present study are to investigate the relationship between 1) EFL teachers’ attitudes and their learners’ achievement2) English teachers’ gender and their learners’ achievement. To do the study, 30language teachers involved in teaching at high schools and 90 language learners who were their students, were selected. The teachers filled out a language attitude questionnaire. The students also took the transparent English language test. The result of the investigations of the first concerns of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the variables under investigation. Finally, the analysis of the results with regard to the last hypothesis showed that there is not a significant relationship between the variables.


attitudes, gender, English proficiency test

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