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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Influence of security information management in cyber environment on electronic banking efficiency

Mehrnaz Pak Nejad, Roghayeh Javadi, Jamal Mohammadi


The nature of crimes and abuse committed in new cyber environment causes anxiety with regard to protection of financial information. Insufficient security of technology together with its virtual nature, gives a good opportunity to profiteers. Thus, the effect of financial information security in cyber environment on the functionality of e-banking systems is considered for analysis. Therefore, statistical population in this research, are managers and experts of informatics section of banks of Zanjan city and sample population was equal to 175. This research with regard to objective is practical and with regard to research design is descriptive survey, regarding the level of variable measurement, Pearson correlation test was used for the analysis of relationship between variables and regression analysis was used for analysis of type and form of relation. The results of analysis show that there is a meaningful relationship between information security of cyber environment and e-banking functionality.


Information security, financial-cyber, e-banking

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